Our mistakes, missteps, and successes as we learn to live on less

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's not easy

The thing about saving money is, it's sometimes exhausting.

When you cloth diaper, you have to wash the diapers every other day

When you bake bread, you have to....bake the bread

It requires more actual cooking and preparation to make meals, as well as more forethought.
On a related note, we spent sixteen dollars eating out this weekend.  Some of this was planned; we met family members for lunch.  That's fine, and it was fun.  The problem was that I didn't pack enough snacks, so by the time we were headed home that night, we were hungry and had to stop.  Next time; more and better snacks.  It's cheaper than Arby's.

With term papers and projects, and Shawn is sick again, and the rest of the normal pressures of life, it's been a little bit harder to find the time to do some of the things I do to save money.  The thing is, I still like it.  I don't want to go back to store-bought bread and disposable diapers.  I like that we're eating better because I'm planning meals; I don't want to eat frozen pizza.  I hope this attitude lasts through the semester.

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